Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

Lily flowers

UK: Hongkong Lily
China: bai he

Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (seed Produce)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Liliopsida (dashed one / monocot)
Sub Class: Liliidae
Order: Liliales
Family: Liliaceae (garlic, onions tribe)
Genus: Lilium
                                      Species: Lilium brownii F. E. Brown
Lily flowers are referred to as Lilium, the farmers referred to as princessnya flower garden flower garden or daughter, as a result of when the flowers are blooming lily and convey mewangian keindahahan superb, as a result of lilies are thought to be a decorative flower or flower of eden paradise.
Flower lily could be a highly revered, particularly by the Jews, because the lily is taken into account to grow from the tears of Eve when it'll be banished from Heaven to the globe.
Rulang lily-mentioned repeatedly within the Bible, as a result of within the Valley of the lily image represents the mother of Maria and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the lily flower in style in western masarakat as a result of this lily flower, called the flower that symbolizes purity.
Type of flower is that the Lily Yang Yang Famous, Madonna lily, Tiger lily, Asiatic lilies, Oriental Trumpet, rubrum lily, Canna lily (tropical), Calla lily, Daylily and Wild lily. Asiatic lilies and Oriental lilies. growing within the northern hemisphere.
Lily flowers grow and develop from, and still strengthen the roots of 1 kumtum kumtum 2, 3 kumtum, and continuously growing, so if viewed from a distance sort of a white carpet rug nan is extremely stunning, thus individuals are flocking to examine the wonder of the lilies that bloom , the realm is known for its cliffs Lily Flower

several forms of lily flowers round the world
Lilium albanicum
Lilium amabile
Lilium amoenum
Lilium anhuiense
Lilium arboricola
Lilium auratum
Lilium bakerianum
Lilium bolanderi
Lilium bosniacum
Lilium brevistylum
Lilium brownii
Lilium bulbiferum
Lilium callosum
Lilium canadense
Lilium candidum
Lilium carniolicum
Lilium catesbaei
Lilium cernuum
Lilium chalcedonicum
Lilium columbianum
Lilium concolor
Lilium dauricum
Lilium davidii
Lilium distichum
Lilium duchartrei
Lilium fargesii
Lilium floridum
Lilium formosanum
Lilium grayi
Lilium habaense
Lilium hansonii
Lilium heldreichii
Lilium henrici
Lilium henryi
Lilium huidongense
Lilium humboldtii
Lilium iridollae
Lilium jankae
Lilium jinfushanense
Lilium kelleyanum
Lilium kelloggii
Lilium lancifolium
Lilium lankongense
Lilium ledebourii
Lilium leichtlinii
Lilium leucanthum
Lilium lijiangense
Lilium longiflorum
Lilium lophophorum
Lilium maritimum
Lilium martagon
Lilium matangense
Lilium medeoloides
Lilium medogense
Lilium michauxii
Lilium michiganense
Lilium monadelphum
Lilium nanum
Lilium neilgherrense
Lilium nepalense
Lilium occidentale
Lilium oxypetalum
Lilium papilliferum
Lilium paradoxum
Lilium pardalinum
Lilium parryi
Lilium parvum
Lilium philadelphicum
Lilium pinifolium
Lilium pomponium
Lilium primulinum
Lilium pumilum
Lilium pyrenaicum
Lilium pyrophilum
Lilium regale
Lilium rhodopaeum
Lilium rosthornii
Lilium rubescens
Lilium saccatum
Lilium sargentiae
Lilium sempervivoideum
Lilium sherriffiae
Lilium souliei
Lilium speciosum
Lilium stewartianum
Lilium sulphureum
Lilium superbum
Lilium taliense
Lilium tianschanicum
Lilium tsingtauense
Lilium wallichianum
Lilium wardii
Lilium washingtonianum
Lilium wenshanense
Lilium xanthellum

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